Stop struggling to make hires. Start using data to drive your success in recruitment.

Mid 2024 I will be releasing my long requested new course on Data Driven Recruitment.

 Coming Soon in 2024

Sign up to be notified when my new course on data driven talent acquisition drops and get a 25% discount on the launch price!

$199 $149

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Recruitment Data

Learn how to track and utilise your own recruitment data to make more hires with less effort.

Process Improvement

Apply advanced process improvement concepts like LEAN and the theory of constraints to your recruitment process

Data Visualisation

Build effective recruitment reports that will build credibility with your stakeholders and position you for leadership

Real World Scenarios

Learn to apply data-driven insights in a practical way with in depth real world scenarios.

Sign Up Now

You will receive an email in the run up to the launch and on launch day.